Here is your proof - this is from the announcement on the 30th of August
"RESOLUTION 2 – DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without amendment, the following Resolution as an ordinary resolution: "That, subject to, and conditional on, the passing of Resolution 1 and for the purposes of Bye-law 138, a dividend of A$0.03 per fully paid ordinary share in the capital of the Company be and is hereby declared and in accordance with the Explanatory Statement."
OMH has $65M cash plus inventory on hand - The $0.03 dividend will only use $22.2M cash reserves (as OMH has 740m shares). This is also only the half-year dividend.
GMC's Convertible Noteholder has the ability to convert $6M for for 25% in the Project.
If OMH really wanted to, instead of issuing the dividend for $22M, it could get a significant share of GMC's Project, but like me, wouldn't touch GMC.
There is your proof - you could have found this yourself on
The 12th of October is only 5 weeks away - this is a critical point for GMC, especially if GMC fails to satisfy those 10 conditions precedent
GMC's share price is falling back to reality - oops there goes gravity