NSC 0.00% 42.0¢ naos small cap opportunities company limited

re: contango microcap limited/motorway Thank you for your query,...

  1. 1,589 Posts.
    re: contango microcap limited/motorway Thank you for your query, CTN does hold Sino Strategic. It is a 1.0% holding so it does not get a mention in our top 20. I will be going to Shanghai in February at which I will be reviewing their newly opened Kino offerings in small convenience stores in Shanghai. The company has been awarded 750 licences for Shanghai. By the way good email address.

    Regards David Stevens


    Contango Microcap Ltd

    61 3 9222 2333

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42.5¢ 42.5¢ 42.0¢ $23.89K 56.75K

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