I thought perhaps a two thread approach would help, given i am expecting a massive rush of new buyer and poster the coming year. One for consumer products, and one for mid-kine research. Well see
Fillerina market in Australia:
- Initially i was a bit disappointed with the "Australia only aspect of this distribution, i.e why not "the world", so put it down to a mil or two and forgot about it. A few searches have made me think the Australian market may be bigger than i thought:
1) $1B spend annually
2) $350m revenue just from 1.5m annual Aus botex injections
3) Fillerina kit $150 a pop
4) Means that 1% of 1.5m treatments a year at $150 a pop +$2.2m additional revenue
5) We are told part of the value proposition is the people who don't want to do injections, so add 5% to the total market and you get $11m annual revenue just for Australia
Not bad for a sideline