FZO 3.16% 49.0¢ family zone cyber safety limited

I agree the technology at Public Schools may not match a private...

  1. 624 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    I agree the technology at Public Schools may not match a private school. However government schools still use ipads/laptops in their teaching. Public schools even more would encourage BYOD, they can implement FZO still though as it will still provide a filtering solution while the child is at school on their BYOD device.

    The cost may be worn by parents, instead of the school like a private may do, but I guess what price can a parent put on keeping their child safe and focused when at school. Let's say it is $7 a month to just protect the device while at school so the public schools can have more control I am sure parents would take that up..
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