686 Posts.
Until I get a logical explanation for motivation behind recent sales at 1.75, I'm sticking with my
expectation of a higher bid- also because I understand it's not too late.
So although the fat lady is putting on her face I'm hoping Lopez, Morgan, Super etc will trip
her up before she reaches the stage!
I'm feeling quite sombre & yeah - a bit sad that it may be all over & I won't be typing VLA
in search field each morning and seeing all regular names pop up.
Its been a long 9 years for me.
Some sense of satisfaction for all of us though - that we appear to have directly contributed
to the creation of a fantastic life saving drug. And there's a good chance a few of us will
personally benefit from its efficacy in the future.
So, congrats to all of you & best wishes for your futures.
Cheers. E