Any accountants here know what the tax implications are for...

  1. 725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 66
    Any accountants here know what the tax implications are for conduit foreign income (Australian residents)?
    I know that foreign residents are exempt.

    I have clarified with the company (of which i own shares in) that the profits are taxed in South Africa and attract no Australian tax after being repatriated. As a result, it has minimal franking credits. Dividends paid are 100% unfranked and wholly conduit foreign income. I think Aus and South africa have a tax agreement to prevent double taxation.

    So is it correct that unfranked dividends carry a tax credit up to the tax paid but no franked credits.

    E.g. My tax bracket is 30% but 34% was the tax the company paid. Hence i still only get a 30% credit but no more.

    And that i am still liable for tax if my tax bracket exceeds the tax paid

    E.g. My tax bracket is 49% but 34% was the tax the company paid. Hence i have to still pay the difference.

    Or is the whole amount of unfranked dividends tax free?

    Thanks in advance for any advice . Cheers.
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