@DeltaVee No I don't think any of these 'other' companies (ARU, PEK, etc. mainly the ASX ones) are not looking to sell concentrate. They are all looking into the downstream 'full processing' to oxide, that's why they have very large CAPEX amount. I don't know if there is any from the other REE explorers or developers around the world. It needs to be researched.
Check out Hasting (HAS.ASX) ($132m market cap), has a project at very advanced stage. They have the highest NdPr ration in TROE in the world. Their plan is also depended on produce 15kta of Mixed Rare Earth Carbonate (MREC) and 5000kta TREO concentrate. They have already signed offtake agreements for carbonate but nothing for the concentrate output yet.
I like the idea of selling concentrate by making $100m investment on the mine. All the numbers about the PM8's Longonjo project is very good to me however we don't know if that model is going to work, if MP8 will be able to make an offtake agreement with Chinese companies for that. That's the big risk associated with PM8's model IMO other than other risks whıch are reasonable for me atm. That's why I am holding a very small parcel now.
We know that China has big environmental issue and they are now trying to solve them. I am also chasing the Vanadium explorers (holding TMT & SFM), the Vanadium prices skyrocketed last year because China banned iron ore slag imports which vanadium was extracted from by a very dirty operation. Now they have to import more Vanadium oxide (V2O5) produced overseas (mainly coming from Sth Africa and Brasil)
Producing REE is very dirty operation for the environment. Over 92% of REE production is already in China. China banned and is still trying to stop all illegal REE production. World's biggest REE mine Bayan Obo is in China. It's mainly a iron ore mine and REE is produced as a by-product. The area is like a hell. It's even not possible to rehabilitate anymore. Btw, we know Lynas (LYC) is being kicked out from Malaysia now.
Therefore we need to understand (I don't know) why the 'other' explorers are all looking into the downstream 'full processing' to oxide! Why would they making their PFS calculations by end product and having large CAPEX amounts? They should have been in the knowing of exporting only concentrate would be a better option!