Thanks for replying Miteyak and I think I will stop as well. I...

  1. 3 Posts.
    Thanks for replying Miteyak and I think I will stop as well. I wanted to sell tenX and I have done 4 comparisons starting last night until just now......from 1st to 4th.....
    These are the difference between buy and sell by the way....
    0.110486 x 4067.6829 tenX = $481.63..... plus Fees!
    0.138948 x 4067.6829 = $565.19
    0.155276 = $631.61
    0.146359 = $595.34
    So this is pretty bad from where I stand.
    I have been wondering about a different exchange bittrex etc but may lose through exchange of AUD when I cash out.
    I bit of local competition would help!
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