You know I found fascinating, is that you Getup trolls can come...

  1. 1,148 Posts.
    You know I found fascinating, is that you Getup trolls can come on here, and all over the internet in general and social media, and say that anyone who talks about AGW being a hoax is a paid shill.

    In case you hadn't noticed, every single data point disproves AGW, and not one prediction is yet correct for AGW. And, there is empirical evidence for AGW, nor will there ever be.

    In any other field, this would be a preposterous fail and we wouldn't even be talking about it. But when you have the world governments and organisations in on the scam, it isn't that easy, but as time goes on and the data goes even further away from the theory, it's only a matter of time before it's on the scrap heap.

    Last edited by Tee47: 14/03/19
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