Climate, page-8

  1. 773 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 63
    All over the news now people are acting. Even students including children are bringing the deniers to account. Its a grest news story. Even today in the UK the BBC reports:

    A 5 -week walk from Land's End to London to raise awareness about climate change got under way earlier.

    Those taking part say they don't believe the government is doing enough to tackle global warning.

    They will join forces with groups from around the UK to converge on Westminster for a march on 15 April.

    Environmental scientist Tom Gurtz was with the walkers.

    He said if we "all stand up and say we are prepared to make changes then we can create a world that is safe."

    The government has previously said the UK leads the world in tackling climate change and remains committed to tackling the effects of a changing climate on the country.
    Last edited by Koi-7: 14/03/19
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