Recognizing the importance of forests and its ecosystems and the threats they face, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF). On each IDF, countries are encouraged to undertake local, national and international efforts to organize activities promoting the importance of forests and trees. The IDF 2019 is commemorated under the theme “Learn to Love Forests”. It underscores the importance of forestry education (both scientific and traditional) at all levels in achieving sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation. Through forestry education, countries can help ensure that there are scientists, policy makers, foresters and local communities working to ensure the sustainable utilization of forests, halt deforestation and restore degraded landscape. In turn, healthy forests will help us to achieve the relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for example by supporting the livelihoods of some of the world’s poorest communities and conserving biodiversity. To mark the IDF 2019, FAO Geneva, the UN-REDD Secretariat and IUCN (TBC) in collaboration with the Permanent Missions of Pakistan, Indonesia and Norway, are organizing an event titled “Forests and the Sustainable Development Goals” on 21 March. An essay competition[1] and drawing competition[2] will also take place, with the winning submissions announced at the aforementioned event.