Fantastic first days trading for this one. It will be interesting to see how things continue to play out. They did cop a hit with AMPs recent decision to back their newly 100% acquired SuperMate software however continued growth appears to be able to absorb AMPs New direction. Not sure why posters are talking about ESuper as competition, its not. Esuper is a low cost "very" basic administration provider and its not your answer for a big chunk of the high end smsf administration market. Mclowd I don't believe is either, it's just nowhere near classes functionality or quality. Class targets accounting practices, specialised smsf administration shops (and financial planners) where the majority of smsf administration lives. It's biggest future competitor will probably be AMPs backed Super Mate due to AMPs focus on growing their footprint in the administration space. BGL is a player too but has had its set backs with the 360 product which appears to have played into classes hands.