"His eyes are full of greed only unfortunately!" and your's...

  1. 11,263 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 307
    "His eyes are full of greed only unfortunately!"

    and your's aren't? Unfortunately for you, your greed is blinding you to the reality of this stock. Vanadium isn't a rare commodity, there are plenty of resources around the world that don't require $2B++ to get off the ground.

    Bots come in many varieties, vwap trading, accumulation, distribution etc etc. These days many retail traders use their own bots

    Also, anyone can trade in the small parcel sizes the bots do, just get yourself a trading account with a broker that both allows it and will give you a deal on brokerage as a % of trade size with no minimum. These deals are available to retail traders, although normally you will need to be turning over a lot of $ to get one.
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