Class action against BOT manipulation /obvious illegal activity, page-120

  1. 11,263 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 307
    Traders/investors/dreamers run stocks up, it doesn't really matter if they're worth anything or not. Go look at VIC, DDD, SBR, MEI, i could list a lot more, they all ran last year in the market hype and are all now back at shell value, it wasn't bots alone that caused those runs, and it wasn't bots alone that "manipulated" them back to ground. But I'm sure if you go look at the forums, they'll all have people claiming that there were people manipulating the price lower to accumulate, when the reality is they were simply being sold.

    This end of the market is rarely the place for investment, the vast majority of stocks will never achieve profitability, learn to play the game or as you've already now said you're doing, lick your wounds and leave the market to others.
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