"What will it take to stop this hate ? " Stop going to wars that...

  1. 28,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42
    "What will it take to stop this hate ? "

    Stop going to wars that aren't any of our business

    "we do not take up arms against un armed people, we do not threaten those who have done us no harm, we not seek to encourage others to do so"

    arrh - yes we do -- sorry ---------------- remember the 'Coalition of the willing'

    a totally unjustified war that we agreed to go to within minutes of America saying it was going --

    now, we went, we bombed, we killed, we made ourselves known --

    what did we expect? --------- that no one would notice?

    what did we expect? no refugees fleeing war zones?

    what did we expect? to leave friends and flowers in our wake and fond goodbyes?

    here's the news --- we got enemies ---------- why? - because we made ourselves the enemy -

    that's how it works

    it's not really a difficult concept here - many seem to have trouble grasping it though
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