Quote from previous MD - Alan Kelly
Interview Nov 2015
"About 6km down the road from what we now call Deflector is the Gullewa gold project which was previously mined from the 1990’s into the early 2000’s. This project utilised a traditional CIL plant, typical for a WA gold project. When Gullewa started to run short on ore, attention turned to the resource at Deflector which was actually discovered back in the early 90’s and was known to host some 350koz. The problem was that Deflector was a gold-copper orebody – a quartz vein overlaid with copper. Copper and cyanide don’t mix so misnomers started to arise about problematic metallurgy at Deflector. This couldn’t have been further from the truth. The issue was trying to process a gold-copper ore through a gold-only plant. It was purely a compatibility issue."
Source interview below