China’s latest island grab: hMMM, page-29

  1. 3,294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    Farm kids starve in Africa because Americans can produce food more cheaply?

    That sure is a stretch. What does the price of goods have to do with the an African providing food for their children or themselves?

    Oh- that’s right, it has something to do with them when the irrational can use is to somehow absolve the African of blame for not looking after themselves.

    You cast the Africans as pathetic & the rest of the world as evil. Not really a compliment for anyone at all.

    Aussie farmers go broke? No. They don’t. Only the ones who can’t compete do- the same as any other business should. My uncle has done Brahmans for decades & he isn’t broke.

    Then again he isn’t one of the Gucci ‘farmers’ that have spread like a virus wearing all the dry’sabone gear next to the parked ‘farm vehicle’.... the latest Land Rover, probably a really rugged vehicle such as the ‘Vogue’- all for the sake of producing a really ‘authentic & cool’ selfie.
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