Thanks A H ,Those two options are available if need be , I cant rightly say as there has been no clear picture since the half yearly report . All things point to a very gloomy short term outlook . It is true however that the assets far outweigh the liabilities , still it's not a good look . No doubt the company is shrinking its overheads , but its revenue is also shrinking , the question is what is the balance . Also these assets will be needed once things normalise , as they are good revenue earners , no doubt the board will be mulling these things over . I know it's no consolation , but there are oil dependent Nations around the world which will capitulate sooner than later , most of them are OPEC countries . And as bad as that is the ones that survive will reap the rewards . And it is the same for us , 65 =70 $ pb is a game changer . But will it happen this year , they all say it will , even the Saudi's say it will , but they are as relyable as Truthfull Jones .I dont think we will hear any positive news from the June 2nd meeting as the Saudi's want to kill off the oil financiers as well as the high cost producers and create an element of fear , they have no regard for their fellow OPEC members , and are prepared to sacrifice them and OPEC for that matter , and still the big Banks are financing this madness as they know when they turn back the taps , the money will flow once again , but it is difficult to criticise the Saudis at the moment as their business may be what keeps us afloat . I hope it does..... Cheers