This demonstrates an upcoming lithium shortage because not enough battery grade(AVZ) which Simon Moores also stated earlier as saying words to the affect that the EV revolution will be delayed due to a lack of tier one or battery grade lithium.
Another point about demand is that for NO GOOD REASON, the market is fixated on 2025 for lithium demand forecast. This is WRONG! because based on the plans of the major car manufacturers, the penetration rate in 2025 will be 10-15%, BUT JUST 5 YEARS LATER later in 2030 is likely to be 50-75%. HUGE DEMAND- which AVZ being the biggest resource can fulfil! go HERE
The point is there will be a battery grade shortage of lithium!:
AVZ Managing Director, Nigel Ferguson:
"So the scale is going to come into play with regards to cost benefits, with processing costs and transport costs; and I think also the major key that we have with the Manono deposit at the moment is, the chemical signature it has is very clean very low with detrimental or deleterious elements. So it’s a very clean product! We don’t take too many tonnes to produce one tonne of concentrated greater than 6%.(high recoveries)So I think those those points are being MISSED IN THE MARKET and I think they need to be REINFORCED! I think that’s our biggest competitive advantage!"