In case anyone was wondering what the actual discount % to the current SP is heres a table I made that im happy to share.
Its not a huge discount, but they're in a really strong position so its good they're not just dumping shares into the market for fun.
Market SPP % disc $ disc
$2.38 2.4 -1.00% -0.024
$2.42 2.4 1.00% 0.024
$2.45 2.4 2.00% 0.048
$2.47 2.4 3.00% 0.072
$2.50 2.4 4.00% 0.096
$2.52 2.4 5.00% 0.12
$2.54 2.4 6.00% 0.144
$2.57 2.4 7.00% 0.168
$2.59 2.4 8.00% 0.192
$2.62 2.4 9.00% 0.216
$2.64 2.4 10.00% 0.24
$2.66 2.4 11.00% 0.264
$2.69 2.4 12.00% 0.288
$2.71 2.4 13.00% 0.312
$2.74 2.4 14.00% 0.336
$2.76 2.4 15.00% 0.36
$2.78 2.4 16.00% 0.384
$2.81 2.4 17.00% 0.408