KEY 0.00% 0.1¢ key petroleum limited

can we have it back please, page-34

  1. 6,736 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 122
    Bad Monkey, if you go back to when the Gulliver acquisition was decided by the respective boards (keep in mind this transaction had to be approved by two boards before it could go ahead) and consider what it was worth then.

    This was prior to Canning being confirmed as better than sliced bread so keep an open mind on it's worth at that point.

    If it was sold, got given away but sold, by the board of EGO for less than it's fair value then the only option for shareholders would be to attempt to sue EGO and it's board, remember CM was only one part of the board so the decision to sell was not up to him on his own. Suing in this instance really is a pointless exercise as any settlement would come out of the pockets of EGO shareholders.

    You ask what other companies were offered Gulliver before KEY, I have no idea. As I understand it I believe Pursuit Capital were party to the transaction in terms of finding an asset for KEY to acquire.

    Both Marshall's are now employed by KEY because KEY shareholders approved CM's appointment to the board and CM and the other board members agreed to hire KM as MD. At the AGM this year shareholders will vote to ratify KM's appointment as a director.

    If you look at KEY's chart you will see that the share price didn't jump greatly upon this acquisition, what rise there was had more to do with fresh blood on the board and the hope that the changes could bring about some relief to long suffering shareholders.

    The major rise occurred about 4 months later in response to excitement about the Canning Super Basin started with BRU's finds and with KEY joining in after CM joined in on the euphoria with his "The Canning Push" announcement.

    I am not here to defend CM but to try and ensure some balance remains in the debate. To be honest having spent quite a bit of time on the EGO threads on HC I have some serious concerns about CM but can only hope that KEY won't suffer the same fate as EGO. If it does then I'm no worse off than I was before CM joined the board. Only time will tell.
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