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Originally posted by Purpose
Metoo, I always find it interesting when a non holder requests strategy to be posted on a public forum, suffice to say I will make this my first and last reply to you. (no offence) There are 4 governing bodies for public company directors. ASIC the ASX the legal system and the company shareholders. When directors obuse/breach any of the rules of the national governing bodies or undertake actions that are not in shareholders best interest then they are accountable. If someone then holds them to account then the obuse/breach becomes known in a wider domain until it ultimately becomes public knowledge. IMO some shareholders of PDF have an unprecedented amount of discovery evidence that will hold current and previous directors of PDF/AYB to account, can stand up to evaluation and testing and will more than likely restrict them in their future capacity. Some of the evidence has already found its way into some of the governing bodies mentioned above for actioning. This evidence going back to 2011 will likely be shared with some PDF shareholders at an informal meeting next week where as individual shareholders they will likely decide the best options open for them as individuals to pursue. Having already seen some of this evidence and by doing my own research I believe it would be in the best interests of the current directors to step down before the evidence is acted on by either ASIC the ASX the Legal system and/or long suffering shareholders but as always in this type of situation sitting directors will do what they believe are in their own best interest. Directors should also have the opportunity of reply against this evidence. I have been assured by the shareholders holding the evidence they are happy to test it with the directors in the public domain if need be. My personal opinion is the end result of this matter could have already been decided by the mountain of evidence obtained. It maybe just the method and the time frame that is to be decided. The longer the time frame the more likely evidence will become public and the more likely of a governing body taking action. IMO DYOR
Thanks for your reply. No offense taken. I have followed this saga for a long time, since they got Landau involved and I will continue to do so! Anyway, for what it’s worth, as a non holder I am on your team! You are under no obligations to answer anything. Generally if I cannot figure out exactly where I think someone is coming from I will ask. The questions about the board etc. were just effectively putting it on the forum, rather than questions that were specifically aimed at you. Apologies if I didn’t come across that way.