PDF continues under suspension and the Bond raising touted by the present management remains non existent. The timetable for PDF to be automatically delisted from the ASX gets closer every day.
If you have any financial investment in PDF/AYB then read on.
There is a fightback from serious shareholders in this company to remove the current management because all faith has been lost. It is a shareholder revolt.
Normally in this situation shareholders have only one option, a no confidence motion or 249D notice.
That is not the case with this situation but it still is an option that is currently underway.
With a 249D motion shareholders vote for or against removing certain directors or the complete board.
It is usually the domain of the big shareholders who decide the fate of the board and the 249D notice.
This is NOT the case with PDF.
The big shareholders WILL match each others votes and any 249D WILL be decided by the smaller shareholders who support the bigger shareholders to remove the current management.
The fightback from shareholders who have already joined the action has 2 projects to decide between to put value back into this company and are giving serious consideration to placing an independent director (shareholder) on the new board to vote in favour of the shareholders best interest. This should be a given for any board but there is an option for both projects to proceed and if so the balance will lie with the shareholders best interest.(share value). Shareholders best interest is something that has been sadly lacking with the current Chairman recently issuing his related private company shares at a 65% discount to the last traded price on the ASX.
It is unusual that small shareholders can have the opportunity to exert the power of larger shareholders.
They can influence this companies future.
If you are a smaller shareholder in PDF, even a few hundred shares, want to have influence, your say, make history, be part of the plan, then your chance has arrived.
If you do nothing now then you only have yourself to blame as your fellow shareholders are giving you this opportunity to have your say and recover from this wreckage and build something to be proud of.
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