CFU 0.00% 0.4¢ ceramic fuel cells limited

So, as a true heroin addict, oh well CFU. There could be any...

  1. 2,416 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    So, as a true heroin addict, oh well CFU. There could be any number of the reasons why EON fell over. But surely two of the plausible constraints were performance and cost.

    Who knows what cost matrix they are working to. But with EONproviding funding the Soft-Pact program and its published $4000/kw puts the Gennex cost around $6,000.

    So we are seemingly still miles away from that cost, but given some subsidies kicking around and the cost savings CFU have made off their own bat all whilst still being in low volume production....I can safely assume we are far improved on where we were in 2012. But is that enough?

    On the performance side of things. Surely the recent validation of revised stack operating for a year at between 63-60% elec efficiency with a 6-7 year stack life puts us in the hunt. I think the holy grail is 10 years, but again various FC mCHP trials in Europe have stipulated you need stack like over 40-50,0000 hours. So we have satisfied that.

    Sad to think this was 6 years ago and 2012 came and went. But looking at the Soft Pact trial papers it talks of the constraints and hiccups of the programs and generally reads well for at least addressing and resolving the problems as they arose; vs flat out failed.

    But at the end of the day the likes of Panasonic saw reason to choose  Viessmann over us so there has to be more to the landscape for why we can't land a sugar daddy

    Interestingly Charles Bradshaw-Smith now heads up EONS EV charging research group. LOL....PLEASE!
    Last edited by IndiJo: 02/02/15
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