The only twaddle is in the Scoping Study
All the financials are based on an exploration target which remains conceptual in nature
Who was it Stoops that said it would be 50-60 yrs before CUX would have to mine lower grade ores?
According to the scoping study it will be after only 5 yrs
What happened to the 70+% recovery rate?,
Recovery rate of 60.8% might explain why the mining will expand from 18Mt to 20Mt
Cost to produce a 40% concentrate is more than double my prediction and nearly quadruple yours Stoops!
Its' not all bad CUX will still make money even if the Cost of producing a Kg of Reo is $23.45
The basket price is healthy and only took a $1 hit on TMR
To be fair CUX should have done the financials at 300 ppm
The costs would have gone out to $33.91 Kg Reo