All these posters thinking they can take a position make an...

  1. 12,874 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 370
    All these posters thinking they can take a position make an opinion and have any kind of influence....even large traders.....they have none....unlike an asx small cap where most people on hot copper dwell and an element of control can be had on these perhaps re:sentiment....large media focal on bitcoin crash....they also have no sway...

    So many bank accounts will be demolished in this cyrpto thing, but its no different to the accounts that get blown on forex...similar but different beast

    This thread is a joke.....or if it is crash....perhaps TA commentary and predictions on the way down will sort the wheat from the chaff otherwise all crash commentary lies in a washing machine of volitity till it happens

    I would love people to call out there positions and stops........anyone keen to stick their neck on the line?
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