Billy Boys Climate Policy, page-22

  1. 16,815 Posts.

    In a very leafy green near suburb of Toowoomba in Qld the blocks are around 1/2 acre.
    The massive gum trees are everywhere and some of them are 2m and over in diameter at the bottom of the trunk easily and a couple of hundred feet high. I know of two people that sold their property because of these trees as they got a quote on the removal of these giants and it was over 20,000. It is a suburb really and there are houses within reach of these trees, footpaths, power wires, roads, footpaths etc etc. Just the branches on some of these trees would crush a car if they fell and some of them have that telltale black line around them. Just dangerous.

    The madness of councils allowing people to plant trees like this is astonishing really. I would not buy a small house block with any type of full size gum tree on it. You can never get rid of the whole tree and if it injures somebody you are likely to be held accountable for it.
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