It depends on how frequently you buy and sell shares and if you...

  1. 8,786 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12
    It depends on how frequently you buy and sell shares and if you want the platform to help you to select stocks?

    If you don't trade that frequently, just use a spreadsheet and have a workbook for each stock and the property. In another workbook you can plot the performance. At the end of each financial year just highlight all the transaction for the FY and try to summarise the costs, etc. on another work book or spreadsheet for your accountant.

    If you want to trade frequently and want the platform to maintain your share portfolio, scan for potential buys, give broker recommendations, etc. Halo from ASR is pretty good - but only if you want to spend considerable time on your share portfolio and want to use a strategy like buying stocks with strong recommendations and increasing dividends and earnings.
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