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Originally posted by 62strat
Rough estimates made here from the information available. Will not bore you with the calcs, only the bottom line of them...imo!
8-1/2" hole (for 7" liner) will go right through to prognosed TD at 3,137m MD as per AGM preso, although I note they have on that preso a contingent 6" hole. Also prognosed depth for 9-5/8" CP at 1,963m was drilled out to 2,002m (+39m), so we could get a deeper TD.
Allowing time for cleaning the WB, running the 9-5/8" casing string, cement job and wait on it, then trip back in, imo they will be drilling into the top of the secondary target zone (mid upper Pagasa) around early Sat arvo 14/6. They could start getting shows here.
I'm estimating they'll be at TD sometime on Tuesday arvo to that night...all going well!
Imo, we may get our next update including a result (or partial - still logging) say next Wed morning, or we could get one as early as Mond. if they want us to know about anything in the secondary target...ASX rules governing continuous disclosure of material information etc, etc!
This estimate is based on very sketchy info and it also doesn't allow for anymore breakdowns/holdups etc to TD.
Best of luck to all, and I hope we get a result that will clean this seller out quick time!
Thanks Strat, so next week is the week we have long been waiting for, not since Gindara have we had such an important drill, let's hope it works out better than that one.
im hoping today might see a rush to get onboard before we hit the zone.
good luck all not long now
giddy up