I agree - and, IMO - if Australia is going to have a dollar...

  1. 28,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42
    I agree - and, IMO - if Australia is going to have a dollar collapse - which, IMO - is very much on the cards - then, a good place to keep your wealth is --------- Australia -

    just keep it in a form where the price is set by international standards ----------- eg. gold.

    Why? - because one knows Australia --- as opposed to say?? Portugal - where one can have cheap European living - but, the laws would require huge amounts of research to get one's head around.

    Australia is also probably at less risk of attack than other places - anywhere in Europe - probably anywhere in Asia ------- in reality, if Australia gets attacked (or NZ) - then, the rest of the place is probably in deeper doo doo.
    Also, at least in Oz one can go bush - probably to some degree.

    God knows, how do you do that in Asia or Europe or Britain??
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