The condition code for the 9,000,000 transaction is SP which stands for Special Sale.
We only have 6 top 20 shareholders who own 9,000,000+ shares to be able to sell to
be able conduct this special transaction...
If VBS Exchange Pty Ltd or Crocodile Gold Australia p/L just added the 9,000,000 to their respective 10+%
of holdings that would bring them up closer to the magic 20% for one of them?!?....
If it was VBS this would give them 13.33% and if they took up 100% of the recent SPP then they should be well and truly over the line?!?!
Very very very interesting and all will be revealed soon one would think!!
We better get a BIG PAYOUT!!
p.s. I am not a lawyer so I could be off the mark. I apologise if I am.