Hi Trae, I wouldn't say spending a decade learning different indicators is a waste of time. Its all knowledge and experience and exposing yourself to a breadth of methodolgies imo is much better than constraining yoursef to a narrow focus, because that broader perspective will always provide the benefit of experience when judging any situation you're looking at.
As to mastering time, I think you'll find that it's actually not tha difficult. Like you I have spent many years learning about all the indicators, only to finally decide to use pure price action, no indicators, nothing else but price and time. Time-wise all I do when I validating my setups is generate the stats for each of a selction of timeframes following entry, i.e. 1 bar, 2 bars, 3 bars, etc, and the stats end up telling me the optimal timeframe for each setup.
Cheers, Sharks.