....another thing too, in 15th century the Pope order all red...

  1. 260 Posts.
    ....another thing too, in 15th century the Pope order all red hair people to be burnt alive as their morality was of wicked traits?
    Now, "the fish rots from the head down" so now Don the Protege (not the Godfather just a puppet) gets pay rise of 5% $8Mil+ when all this dodgy advice still going on??? but this time ASIC hasn't spotted it yet??? cyber white collar crime will be bigger/fruitful/unstoppable!! add a couple of corporate psychopaths in the mix and you have a full. blown. organized. crime. syndicate. operating inside..!!
    ...they even stole/forged from dead people and the sick...!! Royal Commission? more like an Exorcism too follow???

    Last edited by U3ineirein16: 08/10/15
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