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Originally posted by shadowboxer1
I just need you forget about CDU for now and concentrate on the bigger picture. I've just shown how queue jumping does occur with the non transparent exchange of Chi X. Now to use that to my advantage if I'm one of the biggest players on the ASX or any exchange.
Say I've just brought $20 000 shares worth $1.45 and this sale went through the ASX, great I'm now the holder of 13 793 shares in XYZ company and expect receipt of those share on CHESS in 3 days (T+3) now my unscrupulous broker has the ability to settle in 1 day but by law doesn't have to settle till 3 days. He immediately sells my shares on market for $1.45.
The next day the share price drops to $1.40 and he happens to have a client that wishes to sell at $1.40 the trade is then done on Chi X to allow him to jump the queue and buy those shares. He then settles my purchase with a receipt of shares the next day with CHESS for 13 793 shares with the ability to pocket the $689.80 and no one is any the wiser.
Just before close yesterday a few share in the company I watching sold for 10.2 cents on the ASX which is obviously a broker because us mere mortals don't have the ability to trade in the fraction of a cent above 10 cents and at the same time shares in that company sold for 10 cents on Chi X so why wasn't the buyer of those 10.2 cents share rerouted to the Chi X to purchase them at say 10.1 cents saying himself roughly 1% in cash.
Well once again that isn't for us mere mortals but a company with high frequency trading would of been able to queue jump and coupled with the ability to trade in the nano second making a profit of 2% between the exchanges. You may think my imagination is running wild but it takes a good imagination to implement a scam
and on this point - are your sue it wasnt 10.25c ? because it is most probably a centre point cross match trade and you in fact can ask your broker to implement these types or orders for ( at a cost of course )
info about centre point cross tardes on the link below
And on T/3 settlement you obviously dont do a lot of day trading ? Lets say I dont own and have never owned any CDU stock - I could buy 10000 now and sell them 1 minute later - then I could buy them back and rinse and repeat and I could do this multiple times throughout the day ?