Art,Science, Philosophy and Revolution., page-12

  1. 2,059 Posts.
    Well apparently I am an alpha male sitting on a pyramid of silent and oppressed women. I'm not sure what that actually means, but funnily enough the very next comment I was going to post was  .   .   .   .   .   

    Susan Sarandon  " I don't vote with my vagina "

    The Guardian’s Marina Hyde accuses actress Susan Sarandon of being Trump’s “asset”
    By David Walsh
    10 July 2018

    "In a column in the Guardian July 5, (“Protest all you like, Susan Sarandon. In effect you work for Trump”), commentator Marina Hyde asserted that American actress Susan Sarandon was an “asset” of Donald Trump. Sarandon’s great crime? Failing to endorse Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, and instead calling for a vote for Jill Stein of the Green Party."
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