8,188 Posts.
Hi Paprad,
The point here is not JUST the dividend it is the total valuation of the assets left after the sale of the copperproject.
With a CASH (cash in the bank) after the sale, we have a cash backing per share of 62 cts.
that means at say 350 Million shares at todays shareprice of 70 cents we have 8 cents left for the other assets.
Which would be a total of $28 Million
For that $28 Million you get (at bargain price imho)
You get a producing goldmine :revenue $50 million per year
royalties from Copperchem worth $30 million over next 4 years
A huge 2400 km2 exploration tenement with exciting copper gold resources indicated
And all of this comes with a proven first class management team
SO WE ARE A BARGAIN IMHO and the writing is their for all to see.