You are talking about New Zealanders - they are different - no...

  1. 28,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42
    You are talking about New Zealanders - they are different - no convict blood, many firsts in social growth, peaceful country, respectful people, pull together really well in need - and, they have had plenty of need with earthquakes etc.. They also gave the USA the middle finger as far as docking nuclear ships whilst Australia let them in -- Kiwis are different -- the reason why the place is a safe and peaceful place is because they are more respectful and unselfish than other places - Australia included.
    Never forget -- it was an Australian who did this atrocity - not a Kiwi and not any other nation - from the land of the convicts - we strike again.
    The two biggest gun atrocities in the area and both committed by Australians ------------ we should be searching our own souls rather than looking at how the Kiwis are handling this and wondering what's next -
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