Of course there has been worldwide outrage when innocent people...

  1. 38,596 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Of course there has been worldwide outrage when innocent people including Christians are murdered by terrorists. If you don't believe that its because you are just trying to push a one sided barrow. Jacinda Ardern is to be applauded for the stance she has taken, a stance that would apply to all New Zealanders regardless their religion or ethnicity. It is mischievous imo to suggest otherwise.

    I am a Catholic and am aware of the world outrage when horrible mass atrocities are committed against anybody including Christians in worship. In my church we make a point of extending our prayers and sympathies whenever such atrocity occurs against worshippers of any religion. In fact we offer prayers and financially contribute to people suffering around the globe regardless of race or religion. We regard all people as part of the human family and when they are down we do what we can to help.
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