AQR 0.00% $3.50 apn convenience retail reit

You cant short with a discount broker and if you're using full...

  1. 4,730 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    You cant short with a discount broker and if you're using full service you're likely sponsored . If the stocks not sponsored then the broker asks for the SRN which they'll check the validity of. If you somehow get past that and do a sale without question through a full service broker and then buy back the same day you're busted, if not by the broker then by their compliance dept. This has happened and the hefty fines are on the record.
    What broker would risk their licence just to write some day broking? I cant think of a way past the system that doesn't require an incredibly dense broker who has no concept of risk management. Do you have his number?
    On top of that there is the natural risk of unlimited loss potential from a short position.
    As for the stocks performance today it still makes me feel that their are far better informed buyers out there than me...which I dont mind for the moment.
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