.. agree tech companies support for their products is inadequate .. You remind me of one of my 1st posts back in 2016 as follows:-
Q. How is it that PC's and Macs can suddenly die on us?
I have 2 dead Apple Macs and one dead HP PC on my desk with no idea why they died. ... I trust the makers didn't design/program their deaths !! ... and, I would hope the computers have in-built tracking / recording ability, so the cause of their deaths can be readily determined to help facilitate their revival.
Q. Does anyone know whether today's PC's and Macs have such tracking / recording technologies, and can advise how to go about determining what caused them to die, and how to go about reviving them?
.. Surely computers are NOT designed as throw-away items like many of today's appliances and other electronic devices are!!!"""
There were some good responses, but my dead Macs and PC are still dead!!