I'll agree that our instruments certainly are blunt but do at least provide some reasonable clues.
However for a better idea on sales going forward, our CEO very recently provided some guidance through the AFR.
https://www.copyright link/technology/mgm-wirelesss-spacetalk-smartwatches-get-sales-boost-from-nsw-school-mobile-ban-20190109-h19vei"In the next six months, he intends to expand the business to Britain and Europe, once again partnering with major electronic retailers and telecommunications providers."
I.e. in the next 6 months it sounds like it won't just be the UK for European sales.
"By next Christmas he believes the company will be generating at least between 10 and 15 times its 2018 sales volumes."
2018 sales was around 12,000 watches. That's from the Jan update which had 12,800 sold to end of Dec (15,100 less 2,300 sold in Jan 2019 and probably less than 800 were sold in Oct-Dec 2017). That was with just 2 months contribution from JB and Spark NZ.
At the lowest point of that guidance for 10 times 2018 volumes, we get 120,000 watches for 2019. If they do hit the upper end it would be 180,000 watches.
I would love to see just that low end of guidance provided by the CEO for 120,000 watches. This would have to be worth well north of $10-15 if the market begins to believe that target.