API 0.74% $1.35 australian pharmaceutical industries limited

Miope - No everyone is just hesitant and pesimistic because of...

  1. 2,105 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 41
    Miope - No everyone is just hesitant and pesimistic because of what may be in the new Guild/Goverment Agreement, the slashing of generic product costs (which reduces turnover)and other changes that reduce the volume of some products being distributed through the wholesalers (e.g. flu vaccines). After the wasteful distribution of swine flu vaccine direct to medical practices (how many of the multi-dose vials have been or will have to be dumped?), the government in their wisdom has delisted the influenza vaccine from the PBS on March 1 - so the supply of the majority of flu shots will now be direct through the Doctors surgery and not via Pharmacy. Just another blow that is denying that our current system of distribution of medicines in Australia is already the most efficient and cost effective system to tax payers of any of the developed countries with full health coverage.

    Fundamentally the three major companies in Australia are all pretty good at what they do. They are not getting much help at the moment.

    It is all temporary bad news out there on top of some tough times. So you really just need to focus on the longer term picture.
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