AOR apollo series 2013-1 trust

AOR support and resistance levels., page-3

  1. 4,330 Posts.
    Hi Galloper Australian Bullish Consensus report written when it was around $2.90---you may have seen it--posted on Aurion thread at Stockhouse (still there hasn't been deleted) give a valuation of 3.97.
    Shaw actually prefer Lihir Gold over Aurion--but still like Aurion.
    Billions of dollars have gone into Australian Gold stocks by U.S. pension funds.
    Aurion Gold have done a U.S. North American Investor presentation.
    It is on the Stockdoctor standoutlist for fundamentals (went on the list at a lower price than it currently is.
    I think 4 dollars will be exceeded. Sure you agree that is more than possible, if we go into a medium to loger term bullmarket on gold, which I'm sure you agree is the imporatnce of correct analysis in the early stages.
    HOMEX - Sydney
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    T Burgess
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