re: Ann: WNI: Fulfilment of Foreign investmen... You are right Gringo. Also there I see no evidence that the Sham backers are actually interested in making a profit.
If they are State controlled interests then their objective is to "secure the resource" rather than turn a profit. This is where Swan et al have completely missed the point.
The Chinese have a 50 year+ plan. BRM won't be paying any MRRT.
As far as the pulp of WNI goes, wait and see what it's worth after Wah Nam issue another 500 billion shares @ 3c to fund this project.
I find it amusing when some political figures are suggesting we ramp up our military presence in Pilbara to "protect our resources". The Chinese must be amused that the Australian military is in effect protecting _their_ resources. Why bother invading when the FIRB effectively hands it to you for free?
Our grandchildren will look back on this generation in 50 years and wonder how we got it so wrong.
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