The old management of expectations - under promise / over deliver routine. This builds credibility and respect for a solid management. What Dom has done is the opposite.
Maybe he would argue that he has needed this approach to quickly build the company - his ambition to ramp up growth has come at a cost financially and in (short-term?) credibility. But will it have been worth it in the medium-longer term is yet to be seen - the jury's still out.
I guess if he can hold the ship together he stands a chance of delivering on longer term expectations.
Still a speccy though until income can cover running costs (break-even) and debt reduction is seen to be reliably/realistically dealt with, without further CR's and manipulation of financial/reporting accounts.
Some hard questions need to be asked and investors need to keep a very close eye/analysis on the balance sheet to really determine if the financials are improving and if risk is being managed responsible/reduced. Any obvious conceelment and attempts to fudge the figures will see this baby drop further.
What's needed now is some straight talking to flesh out the medium term.
Doubtless there will be average/weak qtly's ahead and a weak sp until break-even and trust in management has been re-established. I think the market is pricing CM8 fairly.
Are there other better investments at this time - obviously yes. But I still think CM8 is potentially a very rewarding investment if you can hold your nerve and afford to hold out to see where this story goes. At this stage my sentiment is 'Hold/Buy' which may improve at an even cheaper price.