2 years ago they announced the partnership with Asian retail stores Ayiangdo (owned by Masons) - they also announced that they will be trialing their IF product in 100 stores and then release it to the thousands of stores they have around the country.
What happened ?
That announcement led to a furious buying frenzy that culminated in a 400m valuation and a $2.80 SP
What happened ?
Is Mason owned Ayiangdo not selling WHA product anymore ?
What was the result of the trial 2 years ago ? Has anyone heard?
Was it a 1 can per store policy or 3 cans?
The Local Daigous in Footscray ( 2 x man operation) have sold more cans of IF to China then Wha and they can’t spell or write Vertical Integration nor do they require SAMR approval.
Maybe he should list his company and go with a horizontal integration strategy.
Maybe WHA can spend a few million buying shelf space at Woolies and Coles and then the Daigous can sell their tins for them . No SAMR required nor do they need to buy a tin factory for $133 million that costs less than 3.5 million to build including Plant and equipment
lol. yeah. so risky atm to buy with such a big debt. But u cannot have CNCA certified overnight after build it with much less cost.