For some feedback and opinions: disclaimer: some of this may be BS.
1. The suspension may not have been informative cause the third party in negotiations may not want to be named until a deal has been agreed and signed.
2. The negotiation is probably taking time cause the other party involved may have existing arrangements with other producers agreed at acertain price therefore may not want A40 to disclose agreed offtake price.
3. Burwill and third party are bidding for quality product i.e. additional production from fines. Or may be Burwill is trying to negotiate a price based on new deal i.e. lower price. Possibility of this is low.
4. There may be more to this deal other than just offtake for product.
5. Burwill and A40 may be negotiating a new shipping schedule due to past inconsistencies. Or Burwill, A40 and third party may be all involved in agreeing in a shipping schedule.
6. Burwill may not be able to take delivery of product long term so they are being strong armed to give up their 'right of refusal' and another agreement with a third party is being negotiated and settled.
7. Third party in negotiations wants more than just 100ktpa and is willing to carve a deal that will prepay or partially fund a 2nd DMS dependent on proving reserves.
8. Could be non of the above with GXY attempting to negotiate a deal for A40 to supply product so that they can improve and supply their offtake partner with higher quality product i.e. 6% plus product. This should stir up some personal attacks. Only joking...please relax.
So there you go...please ignore point 8. Just joking.