I think all holders will need more than good luck with VIC unfortunately. Or to put it another way maybe "good luck" or outstanding good fortune is the best hope that we have........that somehow with all their picking up of "prospects" fairly randomly and on the advice/with the help of the Blue tag team that by accident they actually have something.I prefer to look at their track record and to be very realistic. The classic item that ought to ring alarm bells is that nonsense with Milestone Sports. There we have VIC, a small cap struggling company, deciding to be generous with its limited funds and handing out a loan of $500k which some months down the track, in another fine gesture of generosity, it cuts in half and arranges some very generous terms for the slow repayment of new lower total. That, however, also gets adjusted down when the "final" settlement is made. How shonky is that ? Gosh the amount they gave away could have paid VIC's admin costs for at least a quarter (sneer).
There is need for a good dose of realism here. I am prepared to give an honest small cap the benefit of accepting that it could be a struggle getting to lift off but VIC makes no effort to be open with ordinary shareholders, respond to serious questions or actually do anything to get anywhere.
I am not a doom and gloom merchant. I'm just telling it as honestly as I see it based on VIC's performance. IMNSHO