They all been 'Shlepping",,all a having a siesta thinking that dawn will come
in November....
But UTR are as savvy as ever..... keep em guessing,,,, Brilliant,,,,,
In the mean time,,,,there was a quick price prop,,,,like one said..
hope you pick up some cheap give a ways,,as,,,as one said,,,did you
all see the volume,,that got chomped a while ago,,,,
now that was strategic,,,,,,,,a heap got bought,,,and enough has been sold
to just raise enough to keep the 'good oil burning',,and the just at the close
KA..Wamp.....yum yum,,,,a line got wiped.....just like that back to 0.03
Why oh why are so many so myopic....
DYOR,,,GLTAH.... who got a present of cheap shares,,,,,hold em IMHO
and watch news as the world will go nuts for bat storage,as temps go ^ƒ
and more and more in time will need storage for the energy that keeps them
cool from the very source that causes the heat.... Hmmmm Just a thought ¿