Assuming the news is good, this is another positive step in one of our 3 major projects. Comparing the list of LDs and the current LPs on Health Canada's web site, only 5 out of 50 odd LDs have been converted to a Processing License and we look like being one of them. Licenses relate to an address, so our next step would be to lease the premise they have their eye on, fit out the 1st stage, assume 2 rooms, which they said they could do for C$500k, and get it inspected by Health Canada for the address change and to add cultivation.
I think this next step will attract investor attention with the leasing and build out of a new cultivation facility. Our advisors Cannabis Compliance got us ahead of the pack with our license renewal and conversion, with their help Valens also got their LP in record time, I have no doubt our next steps will also progress in a timely manner.
I've done a bit of research on how long some of the recently issued Cultivation licenses have taken. As an example Lotus Ventures was issued a Cultivation license on March 8th. They started the process some time before July 2014 so 5 years to get their license. The HC web site says a minimum of 18 months however very few have done it in less than 2 years. Buying a LD and adding Cultivation will be a real time saver, we're on track to be a producer by years end.
Our 3 main projects are all ticking boxes and progressing, Although at a slower rate than most would want. Once any of the 3 are up & running, our share price will be multiples of the present.